my leg muscles are aching. i haven't ran since like J2's NAPFA which was like 3 years ago and all of a sudden i'm running 2 and a half rounds and walking like 3 more. haha so not me. i'm not what you call athletic. joined category E just in case i can't even run one round and i had loads of uncles and aunties telling me that i'm in the wrong category and physically pushing me out of the group. uncle edwin told me i was colour-blind. uncle edwin: your tag shouldn't be purple. it should either be red or blue. are you colour-blind? me: ah but it's the registration people who gave me the purple band so they're the colour-blind ones.
anyways, went shopping for buddy's party stuff with leo today. walked from far east to taka and was supposed to walk all the way to plaza singapura to the spotlight there but we were to lazy and tired from yesterday. haha. that's how tired i am. so after walking many times round spotlight and finally getting what we needed, leo and i decided to leave early. the 190 was super crowded as usual when i boarded it and i was moaning how i was going to have to stand all the way to the interchange which is like a good 30 plus mins away. the lady right in front of me was asleep with her head nodding off. God spoke to me. God: my child, do you need a seat? me: if you don't mind. i'd be so grateful. immediately the lady woke up and alighted from the bus. so this happy girl had a seat all the way home. :) isn't it awesome what our Father does for His beloved children?
oh i could sing unending songs of how You saved my soul i could dance a thousand miles because of Your great love my heart is bursting Lord to tell of all You've done of how you changed my life and wiped away the past i wanna shout it out from every roof top sing for now i know that God is for me not against me everybody's singing now cos we're so happy everybody's dancing now cos we're so happy if only we could see Your face and see You smiling over us and unseen angels celebrate the joy is in this place!
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About Me
Name:Cheryl Toh
Birthday:04 November 1985