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Thursday, August 04, 2005

just finished my morning devotion and read a li'l of bobbie houston's book again. :) my mum keeps nagging that i should go find a job since i still have abt one and a half months before school starts but i love it that i have so much free time because i can go catch up with friends and learn new things and mainly, to spend more time with God especially after the visions He gave me during the conference.

when i was reading bobbie houston's book, one part of it really struck me was when she emphasized on faith. Hebrews 11 is a wonderful chapter in the Bible that shows us that all the great men of God did things in a step of faith. though our Father gave them promises, some of these people never actually saw these promises happen, but yet they followed God and His Word in steps of faith. they were inadequate and they were hesitant, but they trusted and obeyed the Lord. when i read it, it was like "wow! these people don't even know where they're going or what they have to do but yet they were willing to obey God." shows us how much they loved our Almighty God right? and i guess that's what we have to do. though the future roads may seem bleak and scary, we just have to trust God because His Word tells us that He will lead us by our right hand to do His Will. as joyce meyer said "even if you're afraid of doing what God wants you to do, then do it afraid!" that in itself, is a great step of faith.

sometimes i ask myself, how do i grow in faith? and i have learnt that the answer comes from Romans 10:17 which says "faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." our Father desires us to have the same conviction as Moses and the men and women in Hebrews 11 - a company of people who chose to grow in faith. something i hope i'm achieving - unshakable faith in Christ. one thing i dreaded during the conference was that it will have an end to it and that when i come back to singapore, everything will be back to normal. but after experiencing such great things there, i didn't want to come back and let things be normal anymore. i prayed really hard on the way back to singapore on the plane (i think i looked like a pig who was sleeping throughout the 7-hour journey) that i wouldn't lose faith in God and that i'll be as passionate and crazy abt Him like i was in sydney. i didn't want it to "just" be an experience. and i really am amazed that God is so faithful to me that He has given me this neverending thirst for Him that i'm still the same passionate and energetic bunny (you know the ad for the duracell bunny? just that i'm many more times bouncy and i'll last much, much, much longer) for Him as i was in sydney, trying to do His Will each and everyday. yeah!!!!! :)

another thing i learnt during the conference is to be accountable to others, so that you may maintain a good relationship with God. sharon's my buddy and she's been helping to push me to understand God better and to serve Him with all my heart. if there's one thing i've learnt from all this, is that i always have to bring excellence to God. 2 Samuel tells us to give our finest. never short-change God. so i encourage you to find a buddy that will push you as hard as sharon or auntie christina (my mentor) pushes me and you'll find yourself maturing mentally and spiritually a whole lot more. sometimes i really pity them that they have to deal with a person like me who keeps asking questions like "why?" or "when?" or "how?" (what can i say? i'm an inquisitive person. haha.) but i thank God that He has blessed me with such wonderfully patient (*ahem*) and understanding (*ahem*) people around me. in turn i try to inspire others and to give them something to follow so that all of us may grow together. all of us have different races to run but God doesn't just want us to run our race well, He also wants us to bring as many people as we can along with us to the finishing line. we live in exciting times, don't miss a moment of it. :)

Left@| 11:43 AM

About Me

Name:Cheryl Toh
Birthday:04 November 1985




Pastor Kenny
Sharon Lee
Sam Chan
Jin Ting
Pastor Mary
Uncle Edwin & Auntie Lydia
Pastor Thomas
Joel Mo
Uncle Cedric
Auntie Christina
Uncle Abe
Sam Leo
Auntie Erika
Church Friends


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