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Monday, August 08, 2005

PSALMS 122:1 "I rejoiced with those who said to me, 'let us go to the house of the Lord.' "

i definitely rejoiced with the wonderful people that i went to the FOP with. it's so great to see so many people so passionate for God. Rev Colin Dye is one great preacher (though sharon says that he looks and moves like a magician) and his messages about apostolic faith were packed with power. he asked "what revelation of Christ do you carry?" and that set me thinking... and thinking.. and i'm still praying about it. haha. but i hope the main revelation of Christ that i carry is His passion for God and His people. His kingdom is really all about the people; people being saved, people serving, people growing to love Him more and more each day, people trusting in Him etc.

when i was reading my Bible this morning, i was attracted to this sheet of paper stuck in the book of Matthew. it's been there for a really long time but i never really took notice of it somehow. it was one of the lessons i learnt when i was still in my youth cell and it's about motivation. Matthew 14: 13, 14 talks about God's motivation and that is compassion for the people. everything that God does, He does it for His people. something i'm still learning is to have a heart for God's people. it's always tough working with people because all of us are so different. some are really nice and sweet, gentle and understanding. some, you just wanna strangle them and hope and pray that they fall off from the face of this earth. but ephesians 6: 12 says "for our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." so practise in front of the mirror smiling while thinking about someone that annoys you a lot so that when you'll be nicer to the person when you see him or her next. you can tear your hair out in the safety of your room but don't blame me when you've got holes in your hair.

Left@| 2:36 PM

About Me

Name:Cheryl Toh
Birthday:04 November 1985




Pastor Kenny
Sharon Lee
Sam Chan
Jin Ting
Pastor Mary
Uncle Edwin & Auntie Lydia
Pastor Thomas
Joel Mo
Uncle Cedric
Auntie Christina
Uncle Abe
Sam Leo
Auntie Erika
Church Friends


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