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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

hmmm. i'm basically a talkative person so i tend to have a lot of things to say even when i blog. hee. don't mind me. :) but a lot of people have been telling me that my entries are too long so yup, i'll try to cut down as much as i can to avoid people getting bored by me. haha.

well, i've always appreciated the wonderful people around me but not as much as i have recently. i really thank God for blessing me with such amazing friends that accept me for who i am and encourage me constantly when i feel down. being a pessimist, i feel down like 90% of the time. which sucks. but God blessed me with 3 friends who have stuck by me all the time, hearing me whine and complain about anything and everything (don't you just pity them?). ah, how awesome is our God. :) He sends us darling people to support us lest we feel alone or helpless.

i remember one of the lecturers from my school saying something about people very clearly. he teaches the students studying for a master degree in one of the top 5 universities in the world and he said this, "network, network, network. without connections or people, a degree is worth nothing." like wow. isn't that in accordance with the Bible? God's passion has always been about the people and about people being unified. Psalms 133:1 "how good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!"

i've been wanting to learn how to play the guitar for a very long time. it's a passion that went dead for a while because i was really busy and it got revived again when i came back from sydney. (i know i talk about the trip a lot but it's a huge turning point in my life. i think i'll be talking about it even on my death bed. haha.) i've been checking out the prices of guitar classes online and the ones at Yamaha cost $47.25 a month! it's like i don't that kind of money lying around! i got really disappointed and started to think of ways to save up the money for the classes. but our God knows everything, Amen! He blessed me 2 weeks back when a friend whom i haven't been in contact with for some time just sms-ed me out of the blue and said, "hey cheryl. i've got a friend who gives guitar classes to students. i'm thinking of asking him to teach me, wanna join me? he said that he doesn't mind teaching you and the lessons will be FOC." i was like "WHAT??????!!!!!!!!! you gotta be kidding me!!!!!!!" isn't our God so, so, so, so awesome? He anticipated my needs even without me asking Him! Praise the Lord! i just bumped into the guy just now and he's a Christian too! he asked me what i wanted to learn during the guitar lessons and how far i wanted to go. my first reaction was "nigel hendroff or better!!" haha! it's going to take a long while man. :)

Left@| 11:10 PM

About Me

Name:Cheryl Toh
Birthday:04 November 1985




Pastor Kenny
Sharon Lee
Sam Chan
Jin Ting
Pastor Mary
Uncle Edwin & Auntie Lydia
Pastor Thomas
Joel Mo
Uncle Cedric
Auntie Christina
Uncle Abe
Sam Leo
Auntie Erika
Church Friends


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