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Thursday, August 25, 2005

man.. i just came back from giving tuition and i'm about to tear my hair out. it's not the first time i'm giving tuition to a huge class of 10 people but it might as well have been. i have no idea how to control them. the sec 4 e maths class was a dream, just that it dragged on long past the time it was supposed to end. we're supposed to finish at 9.30pm but i left the tuition centre at nearly 11! well can't blame them, they're so anxious about their prelims and they had tons of questions to ask.

the sec 2 science class was a total different matter. i just want to smack those idiotic b***** kids upside down man! i'm still boiling mad. (Lord, i thank You so much that You have the foresight not to put me in NIE. i would die having to teach these kids for the rest of my life.) these kids never know when to shut up! and they have the audacity to criticise me to my face. "teacher! i don't understand your explanation! you can't explain well!" like yeah, i wonder why, because you're not even paying attention. you're busy cramming food into your mouth and fooling around with the other boys. i can repeat an explanation in many different ways and they still can't get it. they can't even repeat in their own words what i just said because they're simply not paying attention. how on earth are they to understand then? and how many ways do they want me to explain what photosynthesis is? i only know it theoretically, so i can only explain to them in so many ways. if the girls and other boys can understand, i don't understand why those 4 monkeys can't. and i still have to teach them maths on saturday and i have a really long day on saturday. i've got to teach from 10am to 7pm (madness right?) and that's a total of 6 classes with no breaks in between and the classes are even bigger, up to about 15 kids in a class. unfortunately for them, theirs is the second last class for the day. they better pray hard that i won't be temperamental by then. Oh Lord! give me strength!

*sigh* even though i've finished reading Proverbs, it's so hard to keep in mind the commandments given in the book. in Proverbs 29:11 says, "a fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control." and i have to keep reminding myself of this verse even as i give tuition because i don't want to be a fool. after reading this book, i realise the importance of wisdom. (Proverbs 2-4) so as the Lord continues to test my patience, i've got to learn how to control my temper. tomorrow's another 4 and a half hours of teaching sec 3, sec 4 and jc maths. hopefully it'll be easier on me. *sigh*

Left@| 12:28 AM

About Me

Name:Cheryl Toh
Birthday:04 November 1985




Pastor Kenny
Sharon Lee
Sam Chan
Jin Ting
Pastor Mary
Uncle Edwin & Auntie Lydia
Pastor Thomas
Joel Mo
Uncle Cedric
Auntie Christina
Uncle Abe
Sam Leo
Auntie Erika
Church Friends


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