Monday, August 22, 2005

photos from our cell's crazy outing at sentosa on saturday!i'm finally well again. it sucks to be sick for so long cos i can't smell or taste anything much. actually God spoke to me last, last sunday during the worship service and He said, "be wary, My dear. the enemy's eye is upon you and you've got to gird your sword and armor. be strong during the battle for I will be with you always." i was really scared cos i'm so not ready to fight any battle yet since i haven't finished reading the Word of God and i don't think that i've got unshakable faith yet. i dreaded the coming week and i was waiting for some huge quarrel with my parents or with my friends or that on sunday my playing would be like that horrible time i crashed or something horrifying to happen.
i fell sick on monday and on wednesday i realised that my battle was my sickness. i don't remember being sick for this long, unless you count having chicken pox, and everyday i can't do more that wake up and eat and fall back asleep cos my medicine was making me really drowsy. it was such a trial because i could barely start reading Proverbs, not to mention read the pile of books by godly people that i'm taking really long to go through. so i think the devil's plan was to stop me from reading my Bible and any other material that will strengthen my faith and to keep me from praying and listening to God. i was really terrible the first 2 days, i didn't even force myself to stay awake long enough to finish half a proverb before going back to sleep again. but on the 3rd morning, God was practically yelling in my ear to keep me awake, "cheryl!! are you going to let the devil draw you away from Me any longer? whatever happened to holding your ground? you're not even trying to fight!!" man, i'm glad it's all over now.
i've been wanting something for a while and i've been praying for it to happen. but on saturday, God told me that He has something else in store for me. the stubborn me was going "no! i don't want this! i want something else! it suits me much more!" i was quarrelling with God all the way home. but when i went home, the very first verse i had to read for the day was Proverbs 16:1 "To man belong the plans of the heart, but from the Lord comes the reply of the tongue." and as i read along, verse 9 said "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." and even yesterday when i did my quiet time, Proverbs 19: 20, 21 says "Listen to advice and accept instruction and in the end you will be wise. Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." haha. God's proving it to me that His ways are better than mine. and of course, that's true. obedience is better than sacrifice. :)
Proverbs 21:30 There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.
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