Saturday, August 13, 2005

went to the carnival at marina yesterday with my dearie. it's not as nice as they make it to be in the adverts or on the website. i was especially excited to go to the area which they labelled "local brands village", expecting local designer clothes or something and guess what brands they had there? NTUC fairprice, yeo's drinks, singtel etc. like what? and it was a really small area. man, it was like a waste of time going there. people, if you ever think of going there and if i'm not wrong tmr's the last day, don't eat the food there. it's overcooked and kinda tasteless.
just came back from a wonderful cell meeting. it's great to see God working in these darling people's lives. you just can't help but be encouraged to do more things for God and His people. :) i worship led for the first time and i never realised how nerve wrecking it could be to lead the people to worship. personally i think i flopped big time but where i am weak, He is strong. Amen! God needs your heart more than anything else when you worship Him.
one thing that i was sharing with my brothers and sisters today was about The Chronicles of Narnia, a book by C.S. Lewis. in the first book of the story, this boy, Diggory, has a wacko uncle who made rings that could transport you to another world and he tried it out on Diggory and his friend. when they got transported to the other world (Narnia) it was totally pitch dark with nothing around. then they saw this lion walking around, singing. wherever the lion went and sang, flowers and trees and plants started shooting up. as it continued to walk and sing, animals started coming out of the ground. the lion later chose 2 of every animal to lead their kind. it somehow reminded me of God in Genesis when He created the world. These creatures would talk and the children could understand them but somehow the uncle, who is supposedly a wizard, couldn't. in fact, he panicked when he saw the animals and thought they were going to attack him because all he heard was roaring and trumpeting and growling instead of voices speaking. the children later questioned the lion why the man couldn't hear it speak and it said that the man had turned a deaf ear towards it and refused to listen to the voices around him and to comprehend them. the man therefore will not be able to hear anything other than all the roaring and trumpeting and growling. and it just reminded me about us and God. if we turn a deaf ear towards God, will we be like the man, unable to recognise God's voice? unable to understand or hear what God is trying to tell us? are we forever lost to God like the man was to the lion, who was the creator and king of that world, if we turn a deaf ear to Him and refuse to acknowledge Him for who He is?
Left@| 10:54 PM