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Friday, September 23, 2005

i'm so tired. was working today and i was very restless. because i always have problems waking up early, i have to do my morning devotions at the shop right after i open it. thankfully each friday morning i do that, no customer ever steps in until i'm done. God is great. :)

was reading the last few chapters of 1 Samuel this morning and i came across the the chapter where David defeats the Amalekites. it's said in the Book of Truth that David brought 600 men with him but only 400 men went to battle with him because the remaining 200 men were too tired to carry on. sounds like me. i'm physically so tired nowadays. guess i've got to cut down the "extra-curricular" activities i have after school (shopping, catching up with friends etc). anyways, though the 200 men didn't go to battle, David instructed that they share the plunder with the rest in equal portions. makes me wonder, i always hear people saying that you must "store up treasures in Heaven". will what we get next time be equivalent to others despite of what we do? all of us differ in our race on earth and some, like me, tend to get tired quite easily. will we get less than the rest who have better spiritual stamina?

i thank God that He answered my prayer about giving me a friend in my managerial econs class. in year 2, everyone has made buddies and though i have friends in my 3 other classes, no one wanted to take ME this year. i wonder why. anyways, i realised that this guy, Irwin, is my friend's good friend and he's also in 2 of my other classes. why bring attention to him, you say? he's a GENTLEMAN. hah.. how many guys can be described as that nowadays? in my jc days, the guys would leave the door to slam in your face. "why? you don't have hands to open the door yourself?" gentlemen, like my dearie, would find seats for the girls to sit first but my jc guy friends will find seats for themselves, plomp onto the chair and stare at you, waiting for you to find your own seat. huh.. gentlemen my ass. when my girlfriends and i went to the toilet during the break, Irwin got us tea and food laid out nicely on the table already. how many guys are that thoughtful? my ME class is in the afternoon on thursdays and Irwin went to chop seats earlier. typically, i was late so he sms-ed me where he was sitting and asked me to be careful because it's raining and to remember to bring a brolly. man, how many guys say that to girls who are not their girlfriends? and this guy is guileless so you know he has no ulterior motive.

if gentlemen are that hard to find nowadays, i wonder what about the chilvarous ones. hah.. wake up cheryl.

Left@| 11:03 PM

About Me

Name:Cheryl Toh
Birthday:04 November 1985




Pastor Kenny
Sharon Lee
Sam Chan
Jin Ting
Pastor Mary
Uncle Edwin & Auntie Lydia
Pastor Thomas
Joel Mo
Uncle Cedric
Auntie Christina
Uncle Abe
Sam Leo
Auntie Erika
Church Friends


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