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Friday, September 02, 2005

Woohoo!!!!!!!!! God is great!!! :) i just received my results online and i actually passed all my subjects!!!!! haha well that's not the point right? i'm supposed to pass them all and try my best to score. but i give all thanks and glory to our Saviour because i wouldn't have passed without His grace. what can i say? i'm a typical slacker. yakking in class, not paying attention, doing the minimal homework and tests to scrape through, skipping classes here and there. (younger kids reading this blog; i'm not a good role model to follow when it comes to studying.) and i'm not proud of it. i remember panicking like mad a few weeks before the exam and trying to cram everything and hopefully become a genius when the exams come. yeah right. i remember joyce meyer saying, "God will lift you out of easy pits, but He won't lift you out of easy chairs." reuben morgan also said, "God can't help lazy people."

in fact, i had a nightmare a few nights before. i dreamt that i passed everything except sociology. soci is the bane of my life. i seriously don't understand why we have to study it. isn't psychology enough? it's actually an option in my course and i didn't want it. i wanted to choose maths 2 and stats 2 as my option because i hate writing essays. but my school's admin (screwed up as usual) told me that the maths and stats 2 classes were full and i could only take soci. i was complaining my head off and calling different admin staff round the whole school to make them change my elective for me. no way i wanted to chance taking an essay-based subject. but they just refused and i was stuck studying the subject. now the great thing was that my professor is one of the lousiest i've ever seen. she reads from her notes like we're illiterate, her explanations can make you smack your head on the table ("population growth is the growing of people") and she is uber boring. so typically of me, i practically threw the whole subject aside. i even went into the exam hall thinking i was going to fail since i couldn't be bothered to revise and pay attention in class. i've been praying fervently for my results these last few days, waiting for doomsday.

but how could i forget that our God is merciful and full of grace? from what i heard, loads of muggers failed soci, and i managed to pass. how awesome is our God! when i was panicking big time these few days, God spoke to me, "why are you afraid of your results? there's nothing you can do about it now. you can only learn from it and mature from it. I know what's best for you. Trust me, for I will always be with you." ah, our Father's just so amazing isn't He? i really hope that i'll learn from this lesson and i won't take it for granted that such miracles will happen all the time. i pray that i won't become like Solomon in his last days, fooling around with other women when God specifically said not to marry them because they would turn men away from Him and to other gods. but Solomon didn't heed the Lord's word and even when God spoke to him again, he turned a deaf ear. and because of that, his son was left with only one tribe instead of all of Israel.

Left@| 11:26 PM

About Me

Name:Cheryl Toh
Birthday:04 November 1985




Pastor Kenny
Sharon Lee
Sam Chan
Jin Ting
Pastor Mary
Uncle Edwin & Auntie Lydia
Pastor Thomas
Joel Mo
Uncle Cedric
Auntie Christina
Uncle Abe
Sam Leo
Auntie Erika
Church Friends


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