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Wednesday, September 14, 2005


I'll walk closer now on the higher way
Through the darkest night will You hold my hand
Jesus guide my way

You mourn with me and You dance with me
For my heart of hearts is bound to You

Though I walk through valleys low
I'll fear no evil
By the waters still my soul
My heart will trust in You

You counsel me and You comfort me
When I cannot see You light my path
My heart will trust in You

feeling quite frustrated these few days because i don't understand a lot of things that have been happening. i don't feel capable of doing a lot of things and being a perfectionist, that's demoralizing. i hope that i'm chosen not because of relationships or that people are afraid to hurt me but that i was chosen because of the worth that God put in me and that it's God's will. i know i'm not good enough, and i'm inadequate, but Father, use this willing servant of Yours. i want a lot of things done but they don't turn out the way i want them to. it's times like this i have to remind myself that God's ways are higher than mine and His timing and plans for us are ALWAYS PERFECT. it's so tempting to just throw in the towel and say that i give up or that i can't be bothered anymore, but then i have to remember that i have to and i want to be a testimony for God. no way that's going to happen to me if i keep giving up halfway. what testimony can develop that way? how can i grow and mature if i keep hiding from discipline and teaching?

in Samuel, Eli's sons are described as evil and it hurt Eli to know that his sons turned out that way and though he advised them to change, they didn't because it was God's plan for them to die. and i guess i feel like Eli now, not liking what's happening but i know deep down that it's for my good.

Left@| 11:43 PM

About Me

Name:Cheryl Toh
Birthday:04 November 1985




Pastor Kenny
Sharon Lee
Sam Chan
Jin Ting
Pastor Mary
Uncle Edwin & Auntie Lydia
Pastor Thomas
Joel Mo
Uncle Cedric
Auntie Christina
Uncle Abe
Sam Leo
Auntie Erika
Church Friends


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