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Thursday, September 29, 2005

i just came home from school and i was stoning in the bus in my way home, the guy who sat in front of me was holding up sin ming, the chinese newspaper. the typically kpo me decided to take a peep to see what was written in that paper and guess what i saw? apparently a minister from hong kong said, "hongkongners are not people. we are gods." i am seriously outraged by that but i shan't say anything lest i get charged in court for cursing people or some other reason. but really, if those guys are gods, why has their economy been so lousy? today's straits times said that hk's economy has slumped from 21st position last year to 28th this year and singapore's a far up 6th position. hah. gods my ass. if they're gods then what are we?

i was kinda frustrated yesterday because a friend of mine is having a birthday bash this weekend but i'm not close to this guy friend of mine. he's more of a jc friend's friend. we joke and we talk but i would say that i talk to him more than 3, 4 times a year? so i sms-ed one of my jc girlfriends, who is close to me and is close to him, about what we should buy for him cos there's not much time left and she told me that he wants a fossil watch. like what?!! only 4 of us are sharing and he wants a $200 plus watch? might sound stingy but hey, my dad's not bill gates. honestly, if it's a close friend of mine, i'll willingly spend it on him or her. but i don't exactly know him well and he's never given me anything and he's never done anything nice to me or for me before. and of course i was moody over the fact that i won't be able to spend time with my young adult cell again and i have to travel all the way from clementi to pasir ris. yeah i know i'm lazy. :) anyways, i was quite fed up and when i saw that girlfriend on msn last night, i asked her again, "hey so what are we getting for jason? are we really getting the fossil watch?" and she told me, "oh no. we're not getting him something so expensive already. he said he wants a pair of levis jeans also so we'll get him that instead. cheaper." and of course the model happens to be one of the latest so it'll cost abt $150? yup. cheaper. i was asking one of my sim friends what i should do about it and she told me that i had to stand up for myself and tell them that i'm only willing to fork out a certain amount. if they're feeling so rich they can fork out the rest. which is true. my jc girlfriends have always asked for expensive birthday gifts like crumpler, birkies etc. you get the drift. 1 of them is on scholarship at NYP from some hospital so her fees are paid and she still gets about $1000 a month for allowance from the hospital. another one gives tuition to like 3 kids so she earns about 1000 a month too. the last one works part time so she gets close to about 1000 a month too. me? i work once a week for shaun's mum so i wouldn't say that i get alot. of course they have loads of money and i don't.

so i prayed last night to ask God what i should do about it. and He gave me verses like Matthew 7:12 "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you..." and Psalms 128:2 "You will eat the fruit of your labour; blessings and prosperity will be yours." when i think back about the many times that God has blessed me with jobs out of the blue because i was running out of cash or even because i wanted to buy something badly, i'm reminded about how merciful our awesome God is and that He is full of grace. therefore how can i not share my wonderful blessings with others when God has so wonderfully and kindly blessed me? :)

Left@| 9:01 PM

About Me

Name:Cheryl Toh
Birthday:04 November 1985




Pastor Kenny
Sharon Lee
Sam Chan
Jin Ting
Pastor Mary
Uncle Edwin & Auntie Lydia
Pastor Thomas
Joel Mo
Uncle Cedric
Auntie Christina
Uncle Abe
Sam Leo
Auntie Erika
Church Friends


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